Sunday, January 14, 2007

Geo's Talkies - Stigmata

This is a movie which tries to build it’s plot around the Catholic concept of ’Stigmata’,which is a state where the afflicted suffers the wounds that Jesus Christ had when he was on the cross. It’s is supposed to originate from a very high state of religiousness and faith.

The movie has spectacular cinematography, especially when in the beginning before the titles come up. It begins with a priest who’s investigating a miracle in South America stumbles upon a crying statute, the higher up’s in the Vatican put him on another mission where he has to solve the case of an atheist suffering from Stigmata.

It’s here that the movie gains momentum, an atheist suffering Stigmata is not a credible explanation. The priests internal conflicts, the priests struggle regarding his faith, his reason for being a priest and a scientist all form a very interesting narrative. Though the Catholic Church is portrayed in a not-so-good light, it doesn’t spark off a major controversy.

All these were part of the debate the Church has had and is having for centuries now. The end has a surprise which to a certain extent explains all the happenings, which is though not fully acceptable but in any case fine. This is a movie for Christians and non-Christians alike, for Christians it’ll provide some insights to the concept of faith and to non-Christians it’s a mystery solved, a thriller.

Musically, this movie has nothing great to offer, it has some real good Techno, House based tracks which are played when the lead character come in the frame, which enhances the narrative highlighting the mindset of the character. The other scenes in the Church and Priest are the usual, Gregorian, Gothic or Classical music which is passe .

Cinematography and Editing are strong points of this movie, editing is razor sharp with inter-cuts and some inter-play of visuals enhance the feel of the situation. Wonderful camera work all along the movie highlight the look and mood of the movie.

Overall, Stigmata can be termed as an OK thriller which might be heresy to some but valuable insight to many.

[Published originally on the 26th of October 2002 on]


# Stigmata are bleeding wounds in the wrists & feet, back, on the scalp and on one side of the chest. These are believed to be symbols of the wounds Christ got when he was crucified - nails through his wrist and feet, lashes on his back, spear through his chest and wounds caused on the scalp by the crown of thorns.