Friday, June 06, 2008

Requiem for a dream

A requiem is a grand musical composition performed in honor of a deceased person, with a title like this you sort of guess which direction this movie will head. This movie introduces us to Sara whose onlyhobby is watching TV to obsessive limits. Harry is Sara's son who is a drug addict. Harry frequently mortgages the TV to get his dose of dope. Tyron is Harry's friend and accomplice and both of them start making money in drugs. Marion is Harry's girl friend and also a junkie.

I don't want to spell out the story, some characters get lucky and redeem themselves in the end. Harry's character almost makes it to the other side but he's stuck so deep in his own doing. Sara's obsession with TV makes her want to loose weight to appear on TV and end up loosing her mind too. Marion's drug obsession makes her sell herself at times and in the closing moments of the move we see her get involved in an orgy. Requiem for a dream is a startling motion picture that shows the damage drugs can cause in such a shocking, stark and bare manner that it wrenches one's gut and churns the stomach.

I haven't been affect by any movie as much as this one till now, this is shocking cinema.